“So do the math,” McCarthy said Monday at a news conference in the Deering District police station, 3120 S. Halsted St. “If over the last eight months, we’ve stopped 90 murders from occurring, are we being penny-wise and dollar foolish if we worry about that [the overtime budget]?”
– Chicago Police Supt. Garry McCarthy, as reported on The Chicagoist
A paper I co-wrote with a classmate on Chicago’s controversial (and expensive) Violence Reduction Initiative has been published in the Nottingham Economic Review, an undergraduate journal based at the University of Nottingham. You can read the publication here
You can read the press release from the Chicago Mayor’s office that served as a motivation for the paper.
I’d like to thank Prof. Tony Cookson, Prof. Ali Hortaçsu, Prof. Michael Stein, and Nathan Hess from the UChicago Crime Lab for their help and feedback.